Partington the Way
Tuesday, March 6th, 2012By Twistie
This rather spectacular piece of ceramic sculpture is made by Claire Partington. I love it. Of course, I do have a strong inclination toward the fantastical and the mildly morbid, so a lady whose head has been replaced with a squid does tend to appeal. Also, I have kind of a thing for pannier, particularly the egregious courtly version illustrated here.
She does have other works, of course, but they all tend toward the surreal, disturbing end of fairy tales. Definitely my cuppa!
I recently became aware of Partington’s work via a blog I happened across entitled Blethering Crafts, where I read an interview and saw examples of Partington’s work. You can check out the entry here.
She’s interviewed about her philosophy, inspiration, technique, education, and all the other usual things. But what I liked best was when the interviewer asked her for three words for aspiring crafters, and Partington’s reply was:
Do it yourself
I say that’s excellent advice.
But before you go running off to make things, do take a moment to check out some gloriously imaginative, exquisitely created ceramics. They may just inspire you.