Hedgie Love!
Thursday, April 26th, 2012By Twistie
(Image via Tumblr feed Ask Hedgehog, which is well worth checking out for its own sake)
It has long been my considered opinion that hedgehogs rank well up among the cutest creatures in the world. They’re pocket-sized and sneeze in self-defense. How can you beat that?
Well, there are other people out there taking inspiration from hedgehogs, and I thought I would share a couple of them with you today.
Gilad’s Origami page features this noble example of the hedgehog. Be sure to scroll down to see a couple kick tushie badgers, an awesome okapi, and a rather spectacular anteater… and then go check out the rest of the site, including some diagrams of fun origami projects you can do. The hedgehog, alas, is not included.
If you’re looking for a fun project to do with your kids, you might do worse than head on over to Kiddly’s archive and check out the instructions for making this pine cone and polymer clay hedgie.
The blog has been on hiatus since 2007, but there are some really great ideas if you go browsing.
This delightful hedgehog plushie was featured at The Art Zoo. I only wish instructions had been included.
And finally a graphic reminder from Disney Family Fun that just because it is possible to do something doesn’t always make it a good idea. I give you the hedgehog cupcake: