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Archive for the 'Yarnbombing' Category

The Joy of Public Crafts

Monday, April 16th, 2012
By Twistie

(Illustration via Yarnbombing where you can see this amazing Olympics-themed installation in all its glory)

A couple weeks ago, Mr. Twistie and I were hurrying to a nightclub in Oakland to see a band we know and love perform. We were looking forward to an evening of good music, good fun, and all kinds of happy times. But since we were running late, I was also feeling a little stressed. After all, I learned at my mother’s knee that if you aren’t early by a goodly margin, then you’re late. It’s made me a little neurotic about time management ever since and then I went and married the guy who I fully expect to be at least an hour late to his own funeral.

Yeah. Issues. I’ve got them, too.

So there I was a little stressed and trying to hurry through an unfamiliar neighborhood (we’d never been to this club before) in the gathering dark, and have I mentioned I have night blindness? Because I do. So the sun setting rapidly in the West was definitely not helping my anxiety, and I was worried I was going to trip over some oddity in the pavement and fall flat on my face, which is not my favorite way to spend even a nanosecond, when suddenly I saw it: yarnbombing!

Someone had knitted a brightly colored striped cosy for the traffic light on one corner. More than that, someone had festooned the streetlamp next to it with a frilly knitted garter.

The light was still fading. In a few minutes, I wouldn’t be able to see anything at all. The neighborhood was still unfamiliar. The sidewalk was still in need of repair. We were still running late.

But you know what? I suddenly didn’t care so much about any of those things. Someone had made a frilly garter for a streetlamp and that made me happy in ways I cannot even begin to describe. I relaxed.

For some reason, seeing people do crafts in public, or seeing their crafts displayed out in the open gives me a peaceful feeling. It grounds and enchants me. It reminds me that there’s value to doing things simply because they add to the beauty or the whimsey of the world.

And that’s not at all a bad reminder to get when running late in the dark in an unfamiliar place.

Oh, by the way, the concert rocked!

Big Day For Bombs

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011
By Twistie

Yarnbombed bike rack via Jafabrit’s Art

Hey folks, it’s heads up time!

What do you need to know? Why, that June 11, 2011 is International Yarn Bomb Day!

On that one day, people will be carrying out yarnbombing runs all over the world.

So… what about us? Do you want to participate? Solo or as Crafty Manolo readers? Do you have a good idea?

Talk to me about bombing, people. Let’s hear what you have to say.

Yarnbombing: The Book

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011
By Twistie

If you’ve been interested in learning more about yarnbombing, or in starting your own yarnbombing event, then chances are you’ll want a copy of Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti by Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain.

See those knitted high tops on the cover? Yes, the instructions are in the book, along with things like knitted chain link fences, and hoods to cover your entire face except for the eyes so that you can be a yarnbombing ninja. And who wouldn’t want to be a ninja for crafts?

Regularly priced at $19.95, you can get it at Amazon for just $13.57.

Bookmarks, Not Bombs

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
By Twistie

As I promised, I’ve got a tale of bookmarks for you from our own commenter Sarah C!

Sarah volunteers with Big Brothers/Big Sisters and decided to bring her Little Sister into the fun. Together they made twenty paper bookmarks, decorated with rubber stamps and markers. Clearly they had entirely too much fun! My personal favorite thing may be the one in the center with the stamp that says ‘Property Of’ where they’ve filled it in with YOU. That’s the spirit!

Here’s a look at some more examples of their creativity.

As it happens, Sarah works for her local library. Therefore she just put the markers in a box on the circulation desk for people to pick from.

These are wonderful, Sarah! Thanks for sharing your creativity.

The Bombs Have Landed!

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011
By Twistie

First, the bad news. I’m sorry about the lack of article yesterday, but WordPress kept kicking me out before I could get to the page. Don’t ask me why, just be happy it’s decided after consulting the goat entrails or smoke signals or whatever that it’s going to let me in today.

The reason that’s a double facepalm up there is because I headed merrily off to my yarnbombing mission yesterday… and entirely failed to check whether Mr. Twistie’s camera was in working order. Had I taken that simple precaution, you might have had the opportunity to laugh at my craptastic photography mad skillz. Alas, the dratted thing refused to work. I have passed out all my bookmarks, and I have zero evidence that I ever made them.


Progress Report

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011
By Twistie

via Curbly where you can get the instructions for free from the designer!

So… if you’re participating in the Crafty Manolo yarnbombing event in just one week, I’d love to hear how it’s going. How many bookmarks have you made? How are you making them? Have you picked a library yet?

I have just four bookmarks made, so I think I’m going to have to change techniques. My lace ones are pretty, but this has been a crazed month and I haven’t had the time to make as many as I’d like. Time to head out to my local friendly crafts store and find some likely materials. It would be nice to have at least a couple dozen to bomb the library with. It’s also about time I figure out the hours my local library operates so I know when to be there. City budget cutbacks have reduced library hours, after all.

What about you? Are you playing? How are you making your bookmarks? Are you happy with how many you’ve made?

For Those Who Want to Participate in the Crafty Manolo Yarnbombing Event

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011
By Twistie

illustration via Baltimore DIY Squad

So. You’d like to go yarnbombing with Crafty Manolo, you say? But you aren’t sure what kind of bookmarks to make? You don’t have a pattern to work from?

Don’t Panic. I’ve taken a gander around the web and found a few good patterns in a variety of different techniques to get you started. Let’s take a look at a couple:

Not Just for Knitters Anymore

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
By Twistie

(via The Telegraph)

I love yarnbombing. It’s a wonderful, crazed, whimsical, delightful, anarchic, joyful idea. It makes me smile just to know people are doing this. There’s just one thing wrong with it: so far it’s been limited to knitters and crocheters. In other words, it’s brilliant… as far as it goes.

But I don’t knit. I don’t crochet. I have friends who craft, but not with fiber. What about us?

Well, I don’t see anyone else doing something about this so I guess it’s time to step up and do my part to make a difference. (more…)

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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    Manolo the Shoeblogger

    Quirks of Art - Scrapbook & Rubber Stamping Supplies


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