Inspiration Gallery: Calligraphy
By TwistieI have a confession to make: I have lousy handwriting.
I’ve always had lousy handwriting. And then being a southpaw, I drag my hand through the ink and just make it worse. It’s a disaster.
Mind you, I don’t have the worst handwriting I’ve ever seen. That distinction goes to a boy I went to high school with. One of our teachers once told him his handwriting looked ‘like the pen threw up on the paper.’ He wrote a three-line comment in my senior yearbook that took me three years of off and on effort to decipher. Last I heard, he was making his living as an Elvis impersonator. Let that be a lesson to you all.
I envied the kids with good handwriting. I could spell, I could argue a point on the spot, and I had a hell of a vocabulary from an early age, but expressing myself on paper was not my forte, simply because when I got done almost nobody – sometimes including me! – could tell what I was trying to get at.
That’s probably why I’ve always admired the art of calligraphy. Sure, the way most of us see it most often these days is in the odd wedding invitation, like this one:
created by Etsy crafter Poppytalk
Of course, calligraphy doesn’t have to be done in English… or even a language of this earth. You can always do one from, say, Middle Earth, like this Elvish piece:
Hmmm… I wonder if I looked around if I could find some Klingon calligraphy.
You know, I probably could.
Well what do you know! Here it is.
July 23rd, 2011 at 12:31 am
I, too, have lousy handwriting and often had points taken from my work because the teacher simply couldn’t read it. I have found, however, that when I write with a calligraphy pen, it ends up beautiful!
I almost think we should issue calligraphy pens to second graders to improve their writing.