Crafty Manolo » Inspiration Gallery: Cross Stitch

Inspiration Gallery: Cross Stitch

By Twistie

When it comes to cross stitch, this is pretty much what most people (especially those who have never done it) tend to think of:


Is there anything wrong with that? Well, no, not really. That style is certainly out there being done every day, and that’s just fine. It’s just that’s not the whole story. There are cross stitchers doing amazing pieces of astonishing creativity based on everything from ancient art to outer space to pop culture to… who knows what might inspire them next?

Being of a Scottish background, I find myself delighted that there are folks out there doing Celtic knotwork in cross stitch:


Who could help but smile seeing this cross stitch rendition of the Mona Lisa?


Of course one can always make the choice to go edgier:


Gotta say, that one really floats my personal boat. Then again, I might prefer a submarine… perhaps a yellow one:


Ultimately any craft is restricted most by the imagination and ambition of the person doing it. If you can dream it, chances are you can do it in your favorite craft.

Embrace the challenge. Have fun doing it.

4 Responses to “Inspiration Gallery: Cross Stitch”

  1. The Accidental Tangoiste Says:

    How I admire the people who made these lovely things! Because I would never, in a million years, have that kind of patience. 🙂

  2. ZaftigWendy Says:

    This is my favorite of the pieces I’ve cross-stitched:

  3. Twistie Says:

    @The Accidental Tangoiste: You know, I have had so many people talk about my patience with the bobbin lace, but the truth is I do it because I’m not patient. I always like to be doing something with my hands. If I’m not typing, chances are I’m either cooking or tossing bobbins.

    @Zaftig Wendy: Wise words, indeed.

  4. The Accidental Tangoiste Says:

    I guess it becomes a question, once again, of what works for any individual… My brief dabbling in cross-stitch (a simple decoration on a pair of tea towels) became tedious to me in fairly short order. I think I finally finished the second one. I like crochet partly because–at least with projects of the scale I usually do (read: scarves)–I can see a satisfying amount of progress pretty quickly. Do you find that about your lacemaking and other crafts? (Of course, one also gets faster with experience, so there’s that too…)

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