Want. Take. Have.
By TwistieAhem.
My name is Twistie, and I’m a Buffyaholic.
I have no shame. Give me some Sarah Michelle Gellar staking vampires and I’m a happy camper. I can quote you chapter and verse and argue minutia for hours. I own action figures, including the rare and popular Bunny Suit Anya. I geek out if I get a glimpse of an actor who played third vampire on the left in an early episode. I even have autographed photos on my bedroom wall. No lie.
So this:
… doesn’t suck to me, as Buffy herself might say.
It’s the work of Etsy artist Skeeboo, and would set you back twenty smackers plus shipping, if you’re looking for the Halloween or Christmas… or just what the hey gift for the Buffy fanatic in your life. (Waves eagerly) She even makes an adorable tiny razorback, if you want Buffy to have a more convincing school mascot than the one Principal Flutie provided as inadvertent hyena food. What? I told you what a geek I am! Trust me on this.
Oh, and Skeeboo? If you ever feel like providing one, I do firmly believe that a Slayer needs her Watcher.
You know, just in case she ever needs to blow up a library or something.